Planning Ahead: Dental Work before Retirement 

We're you're Hadlock family dentist near the Port Hadlock-Irondale, WA area

If you’re planning on retiring in the next 5 years, congratulations! This is the perfect time to start prioritizing your dental care. Many people wait until they’re about to retire to try and squeeze in needed dental work. This can be a bad financial strategy, as many dental procedures take a length of time, and … Read more

Do I really need X-rays every year?

We're you're Hadlock family dentist near the Port Hadlock-Irondale, WA area

Annual x-ray imaging (radiographs) can be a hard subject to talk about in the dental office, with many people not understanding the importance of updating radiographs. For some, tx-rays are needed every 18-24 months, but this is not the standard. The need for radiographs is in part, based on your risk for developing decay, habits, … Read more

Dealing with Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD’s)

Tooth pain or jaw pain - we offer tmj treatment to the hadlock area

A temporomandibular disorder causes pain or tenderness in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of the jaw. The TMJ, a complex joint enabling chewing, swallowing, yawning, and speaking, works with surrounding muscles and ligaments, providing a wide range of movement. TMDs can inflict severe pain on some individuals, affecting approximately 33% of people over their lifetime. Tooth … Read more

Autoimmune Series: The Oral Health Impact of Sjogren’s Syndrome

We're you're Hadlock family dentist near the Port Hadlock-Irondale, WA area

Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder affecting the moisture producing glands. The body’s immune response is to attack these cells which causes them to stop working. This can be saliva glands, tear ducts and other organs. The issue for oral health occurs when the saliva glands are affected and flow of saliva is reduced. Sjogrens … Read more

Oral Care Tips for Seniors

Periodontal diease treatment for the Hadlock-irondale area

Over the last 80 years the average life expectancy has increased dramatically due to advancements in medical technology. By 2030 the last of the Baby Boomers will turn 65 and older individuals will account for 20% of our population.  This is great, but also presents other problems for us to deal with as we age. … Read more

Autoimmune Series: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Effects on Oral Health

We're you're Hadlock family dentist near the Port Hadlock-Irondale, WA area

A group of Autoimmune diseases called Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) result in chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The two main diseases identified in this group are Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. The symptoms of chronic inflammation over time damage the GI tract. This can cause discomfort and painful symptoms for those affected. The … Read more

Tips for Tooth Whitening

Teeth whitening in Port Hadlock area

Summer is upon us and many people are starting to think about whitening their teeth. Although there are certain considerations to be made, almost anyone can whiten their teeth. We have several different options here at Dental Care of Vashon. This month we’ll focus on those options and the safety of tooth whitening. Is it … Read more

Autoimmune Series: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Oral Health

We're you're Hadlock family dentist near the Port Hadlock-Irondale, WA area

For the rest of 2019, we will be highlighting different autoimmune diseases bimonthly and discussing their impacts on oral health, and vice versa. Autoimmune diseases are wide ranging diseases that affect many systems of the body but commonly, the diseases cause the body to begin attacking its own cells wreaking havoc and causing painful and … Read more

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Dental Implants

Dental Implants in the Port Hadlock area

Teeth require extraction usually for one of two reasons; either due to extensive decay or due to bone loss resulting from periodontal disease. Since nearly half of our adult population struggles with periodontal disease, it’s not surprising that nearly 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Combined with the fact that about 40 … Read more

The Truth about Methamphetamines and Oral Health

We're you're Hadlock family dentist near the Port Hadlock-Irondale, WA area

This month we’re focusing on a difficult subject; drug addiction. It’s heartbreaking to hear the rising rates of drug addiction in our country and even worse to hear a loved one struggling with addiction. As dental professionals, we are trained to look for oral signs of drug abuse. While it may be a tough conversation, … Read more